Scientific Writing Program for Research Groups (2024)

+ We are researchers in field X, is this course for us?

The Researchers’ Writing Academy is ideal for researchers who write research papers based on data they have gathered (e.g. health, physical, earth, life sciences and psychology). If you are in the humanities or in computer science, this course is not a good fit for you, unfortunately!

If you are still unsure whether or not the RWA would be a good fit for you, just write us using this form and we'll get back to you with an honest answer. We only want you to join when we think you’d benefit from the program.

+ What if I'm too busy right now?

I know that you are probably overworked and busy to the point where you don‘t feel like you have time for professional development, i.e., time to learn new skills. I know it feels counterintuitive but making the time to take the Journal Publication Formula now will FAST-TRACK you -- meaning that once you're done, you will have fewer items on your to-do list and actually accomplish your publishing goals as a researcher.

If you feel really busy right now, I think it‘s important to grant yourself a moment of reflection: What are the things required for you to progress in your career? And: Which things are important to you in your career? If your answers to these questions are getting papers published in a consistent way, or being able to mentor your students through the writing process, or perhaps even enjoying the time you spend writing, then I wholeheartedly believe that joining Researchers‘ Writing Academy will be the best decision for you.

In terms of the time investment needed, there are 9 hours of core video content. I made sure that the course has absolutely no fluff, we always get straight to the point of how you can apply the exact techniques and concepts to write your paper clearly, concisely and efficiently.

If you are worried that engaging with the program will fall to the bottom of your to-do list, reach out to us as soon as you enrol. We have an Accountability Club inside the RWA, and we will tag you in our threads every Sunday encouraging you to make a plan of when you want to watch the lessons. You can also use our Co-Writing Sessions (happening several times a week) not only for writing but also for watching the course lessons. We will be there to support you!

+ Will the program help us with writing proposals, review paper or a thesis?

We laser focus on original research papers in the program. We go into the nitty-gritty, every step that is part of writing a research paper. That being said, the underlying principles you will be learning, such as the Scientific Storytelling Framework, the Flow Formula and the 5 Foundations of Clear and Concise Writing, will be applicable to proposals, review paper and thesis writing. Just be aware that we don‘t provide feedback on anything other than original research articles inside the Researchers' Writing Academy.

+ How long will we have access to the program for?

You will have 12 months access from the day you enrol. If you feel like you want the course or our supportive community around for longer, you will be able to extend your access on a month-by-month basis after the 1st full year.

+ Is this a live program?

It's a hybrid -- think "flipped classroom" model! The course lessons are pre-recorded videos which means you can watch them on your own schedule and as often as you like. We additionally offer live calls (e.g., group coaching calls and co-writing sessions), where we help you implement what you learned in the video lessons or support you with getting your writing done.

+ How do the group coaching calls work?

As a member, you can submit a question or a part of your paper for review for each group coaching call. On the call, you will get feedback from one of our writing coaches and will be able to discuss it live. Even if you don't have something to submit, these calls are great to see how the Journal Publication Formula can be applied to different research studies. It's SO useful to see even if it's not your field! Plus, meeting the other members and seeing the progress they're making on their papers is always inspiring and motivating. 💃

+ Which career stage is the program most suitable for?

The Researchers' Writing Academy is great for researchers at all stages. We currently have Assistant Professors, PhD students, Postdocs, Professors and also a few undergraduate students in the program.

+ What if we can’t afford the course?

If you cannot afford the full price of the course ($697 USD per licence for 6 or more researchers enrolling at once), you have the option to join the Researchers' Writing Academy with an individual licence for $997 USD. There is a payment plan option too (12x $87 USD), which means you only have to pay $87 per month for 12 consecutive months.

Also: You may not need to pay for this program out of your own (personal) pocket. If you have a research grant, please check whether it would be allowed to allocate some of the funding to this course as professional development.

Your department or institution may also have funds to pay for the course. Here's a blog post I wrote on how you can go about securing university funds for your professional development (including a pitch template).

+ Are institutional licences available?

Yes, ther are! You can get access to the Researchers' Writing Academy for your whole campus, faculty, graduate school, department or institution at a flat rate. Please submit an inquiry here and we will get back to you via email.

+ What’s included in the Researchers’ Writing Academy?

  • The Journal Publication Formula, my step-by-step system to efficiently write clear and concise (aka well-structured) papers – an online course with 5 modules
  • The Researchers’ Writing Community, a supportive, exclusive network of researchers who share your goal to get published and spend less time writing papers
  • The Paper Writing Guide, the course companion workbook that guides you through each step of the process, with quick summaries of the most important things to pay attention to when writing and checklists
  • 9 live Group Coaching Calls (+ recordings) where you will get your questions answered and on-the-spot coaching
  • Weekly Co-Writing Sessions and Writing Accountability threads
  • Access to pop-up events such as Online Writing Retreats, Book Clubs and Writing Planning Workshops
Scientific Writing Program for Research Groups (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.