19 Online Writing Groups And Online Communities (2024)

A writing hobby or career is fulfilling, flexible, and fun. But it can get lonely when you’re typing away at your laptop late at night while everyone else is sleeping. Online writing groups and writing communities are great places to find support, inspiration, and motivation.

So if you’re a writer looking for a place to talk and connect with other writers, signing up for online writers' groups could be great for you!

In this article, we'll discuss what they are and how to find one!

19 Online Writing Groups And Online Communities (1)

What are online writing groups and communities?

Online writers' groups are a community of writers just like you.

They are created to help support others with their writing through constructive feedback. It's also a safe space to share thoughts and keep up to date with the latest writing advice.

The benefits of a writing group

Online groups are great because they are available 24/7, so you can chat with other members at any time.

They help with common issues that writers experience such as writer’s block and self-doubt.

Other benefits include:

Socialize with other writers

Writing is a solitary activity and days can fly by without talking to another human. Socializing is good for our mental health though, so it’s important not to overlook it.

Online communities are the best way to get your social fix without leaving your desk.

Get advice

Writing communities are the best place to go for ideas, feedback, and support. And when you receive constructive views on your work, you become a better writer.

Grow your craft

Being part of a writing community can stimulate your creativity, which is often when you produce your best pieces of work! Online writing groups for beginners are also a great place to be when you're a new writer.

Boost your confidence

We all need a confidence boost now and again, and writers are no exception. People doing the same job as you can spot the signs that you might need a little encouragement and know exactly how to do it.

Find new opportunities

Networking is a massive perk of being in a writers club online and making connections in the publishing industry is an important part of getting noticed.

The forums often have members that are publishers or editors who are looking out for the next bestselling author, which could be you!

19 Great online writing groups and online communities

Every online writing group and community is different, so it’s important to find one that suits you. There are online writing groups for beginners, ones for experienced writers, and ones that suit all levels of ability.

We’ve done the work for you and researched the best online writing groups and communities! You’ll also find details on joining requirements and whether there are any fees.

1. Critique Circle

If you’re looking for constructive criticism on your stories, Critique Circle is one of the biggest and longest-running online writing groups.

It features an informal user forum and a peer-to-peer critique corner. There is also a messaging function that you can use to message individual members. Resources such as storyboarding templates and writing prompts are available to help you develop your writing.

There are no joining requirements but when you register, you need to get some credits before you can publish your own work. You earn credits by reading stories from other members and providing criticism.

You can register on Critique Circle for free. They also offer premium and premium gold memberships for a monthly or annual fee.

2. Writing.com

Writing.com is another great writers club online that is suitable for writers of all abilities and styles.

Upload a wide variety of written work such as essays, short stories, and poetry to an online portfolio. This is where other writers will review your work and provide feedback.

The unique gift point system allows you to earn points every time you review somebody else’s work. So you can use the points to purchase items from the online shop or put them towards a membership plan.

There are also a ton of online resources such as writing contests, a suggestion box, and a revision control system to enjoy.

You can join for free if you’re over the age of 13 by filling out an online registration form. Writing.Com also offers five paid membership options.

3. Scribophile

Scribophile is a global writers club online that provides its members with author forums and writing criticism.

To get valuable feedback on your work from other writers you will need to earn Karma points, which you get by providing your thoughts on other people’s work.

The Scribophile blog is a fantastic place to pick up some writing tips and tricks from seasoned writers. In addition, there are even some contests that you can enter to help you get your name noticed.

To sign up, Scribophile requires some basic information such as your name and email address.

Like most other online writing groups and communities, Scribophile is free but there are perks for people who are okay with paying for a membership.

4. NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is one of the best online writing groups for beginners.

It’s basically an online retreat for writers where you can work on your writing, produce drafts, set and achieve goals and get all the support and encouragement that you need.

A unique feature of NaNoWriMo’s community is the Young Writers Program. This is designed to help young writers be more creative in their writing with user-friendly workbooks and tracking tools.

To access the forums you need to sign up for an account by providing your name and email address.

Like most online communities, NaNoWriMo is free of charge. Considering the tools that it offers, this is a must-have resource for any writer!

5. The Reddit Writer’s Group

Stay motivated to write with the Reddit Writer’s Group, home to more than 33.7k members.

The main purpose of this virtual community is to share constructive feedback through peer reviews via online threads.

It’s also a great place to pick up writing tips and resources. Rather than just focusing on writing, the Reddit Writer’s Group forum discusses industry news and new book releases.

Unlike other online writing communities, it doesn’t offer any writing tools. But the volume of information available more than makes up for it!

In order to contribute to the online threads, you need to join the community by creating an account with your email address.

The Reddit Writer’s Group is completely free to join!

6. She Writes

She Writes is an online community specifically for women, connecting members all over the world via forums.

The great thing about online writers' groups like this is that it has hundreds of interest groups so you can discuss a specific topic such as self-publishing or travel.

Making friends with other writers with similar interests is easy with the messaging and follow functionality.

If you want to join an online community to write, She Writes has an education platform with webinars, courses, and boot camps.

She Writes is a free community with over 34,100 worldwide members.

There are no fees to sign up, although sometimes they temporarily stop accepting new members due to high volumes. But it’s definitely worth regularly checking to see if you can get an account!

7. Science Fiction and Fantasy Community Chronicles

Are you a science fiction or fantasy writer?

If so, you need to sign up for SFF Chronicles, the world’s largest online community.

This online group is slightly different from others because it focuses on threads and comments rather than active posts. The threads act as a library of helpful writing resources that you can search for to pick up helpful tips and inspiration for your work.

Chronicles also provide their members with some guides on publishing, critiques, and grammar. So whether you’re just starting out as a writer or you’re a pro that needs some motivation, you’ll find it here.

To register, you just need to provide your name and email address. There are no other requirements.

Chronicles is free to join! There are no hidden charges or monthly subscription fees.

8. The Next Big Writer

The Next Big Writer was launched in 2005 and has grown to over 12,000 members.

This community is all about feedback, so it’s a great place for writers that want to learn and grow. The Next Big Writer is made up of different groups to cater to a variety of genres and writing styles.

Members post their content for review and receive feedback on specific areas such as paragraphs or sentences. You can review other people’s work to gain points to prove that you are a dedicated member of the community.

There’s also a forum where you can ask questions and search for advice. Like some other online writing groups, contests and writing challenges are popular features.

There are no requirements to join The Next Big Writer.

Basic membership doesn’t cost anything, however, there is also a premium membership option available.

9. Writers Helping Writers

Perfect your writing craft with the Writers Helping Writers community, an active, friendly, peer-to-peer advice/support group.

Get access to a collection of tools, guides, and articles available to help empower writers. It’s a friendly platform where sharing and asking questions are encouraged. There are over 11,000 members to chat with.

You can put forward pieces of your writing to the community for criticism and feedback. You will also be able to promote your website once a month which can be a smart way to get your name out there in the writing world.

When you sign up for the online Facebook group you will be asked questions about your writing genre, how long you have been writing, and the reason you want to be a member of the group. There are also some group rules that you have to agree to.

The Writers Helping Writers Facebook Group is completely free to join!

10. Underlined

Underlined is perfect for younger writers that want to find specific information on certain genres. It’s a community of aspiring writers and book nerds.

Sound like your ideal virtual place to hang out?

As well as some writing tips you’ll find information on book releases and Q&As with authors.

To sign up all you have to do is add your email address and name and create a password.

There are no costs to join Underline.

11. Insecure Writer’s Support Group

If you’re going through a phase of self-doubt, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is the perfect place to overcome insecurities and seek encouragement.

In this group, you will find a great support network of writers from all stages of their writing careers, from unpublished authors to bestsellers.

By signing up you will have access to a library of writing resources and valuable networking opportunities.

To join, simply sign up on the IWSG website. There are some standard rules to be aware of such as no promotion unless on a specific day and no unrelated chat.

There are no fees to join the IWSG network.

12. Talentville

Joining online writing communities is a good way to build your network and also connect with other authors and publishers. Agents and managers use Talentville to spot talent, so it’s worth signing up and getting yourself noticed by posting regularly.

Talentville is designed for screenwriters to get feedback on their writing and develop their skills in screenwriting. In return for your critique, you will also be expected to review and provide feedback to other writers.

The format for communication is via forums that all 11k+ members have access to 24/7.

There are no requirements to join the Talentville community and signing up is quick and easy.

Talentville offers three membership options to choose from.

13. Wattpad

Wattpad is an online platform that supports writers in the art of storytelling, with romance being its most popular area of specialization.

After you submit your story you will be able to see how many times your work has been read, information on the demographic of your readers, and engagement statistics.

This is a great indication of how many people from all over the world are enjoying your writing and will help you focus on areas where you can develop your writing.

There’s also a great library of writing resources, a community forum, and contests.

So all you need to provide is a username, email, password, and date of birth to join this writing community.

It’s free to create an account on Wattpad!

14. Writers Anonymous

If you want to collaborate with writers from different backgrounds and a mixture of writing styles, Writers Anonymous is a great place to get valuable feedback.

The main focus of this group is the chat function, so it’s not the right place for lots of self-promotion.

There are no joining requirements for Writers Anonymous, and you also won't need to pay to access this group.

15. Absolute Write Water Cooler

Absolute Write Water Cooler has a big and active community of writers, editors, publishers, and agents, so it’s perfect if you want to hang out online with lots of people.

It also has a great section on freelance writing and an insight into the publishing industry, which are valuable tools for new writers.

Want to be part of the action? Head over to the website and fill in their simple form. You will be asked to provide basic details and to explain why you write.

You can register for free to be part of the Absolute Write Water Cooler community.

16. Goodreads authors groups

Check Goodreads for popular author groups. It's a fantastic place to start if you're looking to find a group that is reading the books you want to read. You can also network with a lot of other authors and get advice.

There are many options to choose from so you're sure to find the perfect online writing groups for you!

17. Meetup writing groups

This is a great way to meet other writers. The Meetup writing page has groups from all over the world, so you can find one in your city which could be a great way to network in person. Online groups are also available.

It's ideal for writers whose primary interest is to network or learn more about writing.

18. Women Who Write

The focus of Women Who Write is specifically on helping women become amazing writers. This group has been around since 1988 and they even have opportunities to attend virtual writers' conferences.

To become a member, you'll need to pay a fee and fill out a form.

19. Girls Write Now

Girls Write Now is all about mentoring and writing, with a special focus on equality. You can become a mentor, join the mailing list, or even apply for a possible fellowship. As you improve your writing, you can then mentor others.

It's a great opportunity to learn as well as teach others more about writing.

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Join an online writing community and get more writing experience and opportunities

Joining an online writing group or community is one of the very best things you can do for your career as a writer. Not only will you develop your skills, but you will also grow as a person.

Build your writing skills, make friends with other writers, or simply join to socialize. For other ideas on how to take your writing to the next level, check out tools for writers and other tips on how to achieve your best writing, like the best books on writing.

19 Online Writing Groups And Online Communities (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.