Fun Letter J Activities for Preschool to Inspire Young Learners (2024)

Welcome to J week! This post is full of fun and engaging letter J activities for preschool, all tested and tried on my 4 year old. He is so excited about “doing school” with the older kids that his enthusiasm is contagious.

When my older children were in preschool I began teaching them the alphabet through this letter a week system and it worked so well that I am now on child number four and still happy with the system.

The letter of the week system works great for busy homeschool mamas as well as preschool teachers that have a classroom full of active little minds! It is meant to be more about exposure than it is about mastery. Explore the world with your preschoolers and their little minds will take it all in.

Expose them to a variety of learning activities such as those included in this post about letter J activities. I attempted to make this versatile and provide you a lot of ideas such as letter J books, letter J preschool worksheets, arts and crafts, and activities that begin with the letter J.

Fun Letter J Activities for Preschool to Inspire Young Learners (1)

Contents hide

2 Letter J Preschool Worksheets

3 Letter J Books

4 Letter J Crafts for Preschool

5 Letter J Activities for Preschool

Letter J Activities for Preschool

This post includes letter J activities for preschool in the form of worksheets, books, and craft ideas. I thought I’d start with a list of fun topics to explore this week. This age is sensory-oriented so embrace that! Allow them to be as hands-on as possible and keep them moving.

Also, while I don’t always encourage using tv as an activity, youtube is full of great videos for the letter J, especially about animals. If you haven’t seen “Wild Kratts” yet, I highly recommend it. My kids love this series and have learned so much from it.

  • Jellyfish
  • Jam (making jam together would be a fun activity and easy to do with frozen berries if your climate doesn’t currently have fresh)
  • Jingle Bells
  • Letter J science activities such as magic jumping beans by Green Kids Crafts or the jelly bean stem activity by 123 Homeschool 4 Me
  • Jaguar
  • Jumping rope or jumping jacks
  • Jacks
  • Juice
Fun Letter J Activities for Preschool to Inspire Young Learners (2)

Letter J Preschool Worksheets

I have lots of fun letter J preschool worksheets! Does your preschooler enjoy worksheets? Some kids at this age enjoy the busy work while others are far too active to sit still for them.

God made all of our kids unique so if your child enjoys worksheets, print these out, but if not, don’t push it!

If you are a busy homeschooling mama with multiple aged children or a preschool teacher with a classroom full of active little minds, you will enjoy the quiet time activities these worksheets provide.

Fun Letter J Activities for Preschool to Inspire Young Learners (3)
Fun Letter J Activities for Preschool to Inspire Young Learners (4)

I also have three free letter J worksheets for preschool for you to print. One focuses on bigger and smaller, one is a counting activity, and the third is a coloring activity.

Fun Letter J Activities for Preschool to Inspire Young Learners (5)

Letter J Books

One of my favorite letter J activities is curling up on the couch and reading books together. Not only do we get the benefits of increasing vocabulary, learning sight words, exploring things outside of our own little world, but we also get to enjoy that emotional connection that is so important to a positive learning experience.

We all know the importance of reading to our kids. If you do only one of the letter J activities in the post, may it be one of these letter J books 🙂 I’ve rounded up a couple of our favorites to get you started:

Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy Shaw

Joey Runs Away by Jack Kent

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by Eileen Cristelow

Jellyfish (A Day in the Life: Sea Animals) by Louis Spilsbury

This is the House that Jack Built by Pam Adams

Jobs Around Town by Stan and Jan Berenstain

My son’s favorite is “Jobs Around Town” but I couldn’t skip a classic such as “This is the House that Jack Built”.

Letter J Crafts for Preschool

J gave itself well to using its shape for letter J crafts for preschool. For the jet, I drew the J on a sheet of construction paper and my preschooler cut it out. I cut out the shape of the nose and the windows and my preschooler glued them on.

How cute is this little jaguar? Again, I drew the J and my preschooler cut it out. I cut out the head, ears, feet, and tail and he glued our feline together and drew his spots.

The highlight of the juice craft was gluing the straw. My preschooler thought this was a great idea!

As I mentioned earlier, preschoolers are sensory-oriented. Provide them a variety of mediums and they will love the freedom to create. Using crayons, markers, chalk, paint, shaving cream, play doh, glue etc. will enforce these letter J concepts in a way they will love.

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Letter J Activities for Preschool

Thank you for joining us in these letters of the week posts! Whether you are a busy homeschooling mom or a busy preschool teacher, I hope you have found some inspiration for letter J activities for preschool!

Which letter J books did your kids enjoy? Which crafts did they find the most fun? If you have any other ideas for me to add to this post, leave them in the comments below. I’d love to hear them!

For the other letters in the series hop over to the Preschool Alphabet Series!

For more great learning activities check out my Kids Freebies page as well as Lessons from Home shop 🙂

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Fun Letter J Activities for Preschool to Inspire Young Learners (7)


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Fun Letter J Activities for Preschool to Inspire Young Learners (2024)
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