13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (2024)

These delicious and healthy hemp hearts recipes are gluten free, dairy free, and utilize the superfood ingredient hemp hearts in many creative sweet or savoury ways! You’ll never run out of tasty hemp seed recipes again.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (1)photo from Our Nourishing Table

Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes To Try!

I’m really loving these healthy recipe round up posts and by the looks of it (and the traffic!) it seems many of you are too! In fact my most popular round up to date was the 17 Easy Plant-Based Breakfast Recipes which still gets tons of love every day. Today I’m sharing 13+ Healthy Hemp Heart Recipes you’ve got to make because hemp hearts are delicious, so good for you, and incredibly easy to add into so many kinds of recipes.

I often add hemp seeds to my toddlers coconut yogurt, sprinkle on top of jam toast, or add it to pasta sauce just to up the nutritional value of her food without her even knowing. Hemp hearts are really subtle in flavour and go wonderfully in everything from smoothies, to salads, to pesto!

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (2)

What Are Hemp Hearts?

Hemp hearts, also known as hemp seeds, are the seeds of the hemp plant. While hemp is sometimes associated with marijuana and while they come from the same species of plant the seeds of the hemp plant do not contain any psychoactive properties…you aren’t going to get high eating hemp hearts!! The “hearts” or seeds of the hemp plant are incredibly nutritious and contain healthy fats, plant proteins, fibre, and many other nutrients including calcium, magnesium, and iron.

What Are the Health Benefits of Hemp Hearts?

Because of the nutritional profile of hemp hearts being high in protein, essential fatty acids, minerals, and fibre they benefit the body in many ways. They have shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease, can improve skin, hair, and nail health, help to stabilize blood sugar levels, and can help boost digestion! These are just some of the evidence based health benefits!

The Hemp Hearts Recipes List:

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (3)

from NITK

This acais bowl was created by blending up a base of acai berry and other fruits like frozen blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and bananas. Topped off with some healthy toppings like gluten free granola, hemp seeds, goji berries, sliced banana, honey, and shredded coconut.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (4)

Homemade Hemp Milk from Tasty Yummies

Learn how to make a simple 2 ingredient hemp milk without soaking or straining. This easy recipe can be made with variations to get yummy chocolate or strawberry vanilla bean flavors. Perfect for any chocolate lover or lover of sweets.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (5)

Hemp Seed Pesto 3-Ways from Hello Veggie

See how to make three varieties of creamy basil hemp pesto: Classic Basil, Lemon Parsley, and Balsamic sundried tomatoes. Since hemp seeds are sold without the shell (also known as hulled hemp seeds), they give a nice creamy texture when blended so the results are fabulous in pesto sauce. Make a large batch and freeze some for later.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (6)

Hemp Seed & Almond Toasted Granola from Our Nourishing Table

You can whip up a tasty batch of granola with just 7 ingredients. In less than an hour you can have ready to eat granola perfect for your morning yogurt bowls. An excellent source of nutrition to start your day with.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (7)

from NITK

This delicious maple syrup oatmeal recipe is packed with fall flavors and warmth but the hemp seeds on top really help to bring in more healthy fats and nutrition that I’m sure we can all agree to enjoy. Can be made with gluten free oats.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (8)

Autumn Cobb Salad with Hemp Seed Dressing from Sweet Lizzy

This tasty cobb salad contains all of your favorite cobb salad ingredients like hard boiled eggs, bacon, lettuce, and tomatoes but with a delicious and homemade hemp seed dressing to serve on top.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (9)

Tomato Panzanella with Hemp Seed Blue Cheese (Vegan) from Blissful Basil

Salty and savory vegan hemp seed blue cheese is tossed with juicy tomatoes, peppery arugula, chewy homemade croutons, and a tangy vinaigrette in this Tuscan summer salad.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (10)

from NITK

Made with tasty and healthy ingredients these oat cups are super easy to make. containing hemp seeds, organic carrots, rolled oats, crunchy walnuts, raising, honey and cinnamon, every cup is a real treat.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (11)

Green Detox Soup with Toasted Hemp Seed Gremolata from Skinny Taste

A perfect soup for helping you to reset your weekend. Made with toasted hemp gremolata this is not your typical detox soup, it’s loaded with healthy fats, hemp seeds, and protein to keep you feeling full.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (12)

Keto Overnight Oats from Life Made Sweeter

With less than 5 minutes of prep time, you can whip up overnight oats and wake up to a hearty bowl of oatmeal. Made to be gluten free, grain free, and paleo this breakfast recipe is packed with hemp seeds, chia seeds, shredded coconut, coconut flour, and almond milk for a filling and nutritious meal.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (13)

Chocolate Superfood Energy Balls from Running On Real Food

Hemp, chia, flax, and walnuts come together to create these energizing little bites of blissfulness. These chocolate energy bites are a simple naturally sweetened vegan no-bake recipe that everyone can enjoy.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (14)

Spicy Peanut Slaw with Hemp Crusted Salmon from Rachael Heartley Nutrition

Make a spicy peanut slaw topped hemp crusted salmon in 30 minutes with this delicious meal. It’s packed with flavor, texture, and nutritional benefits that are all crazy satisfying.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (15)
Hemp Crusted Tofu from Food Pleasure and Health

This hemp crusted tofu is packed with protein, omega 3’s and more. Made in under an hour you can serve up this tofu on salad, rice or with noodles for a perfect meal.

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (16)

Chai Cashew & Hemp Latte from Half Baked Harvest

You’re going to love this vegan latte. It’s the perfect warm and comforting drink to enjoy in winter without the added sugars because it’s refined sugar free. Packed with cinnamon and ginger you’ll feel warm from the inside out.

There you have it! Honestly, if you don’t know where to start on this mouthwatering list, you are in good company. I’m a sweet tooth girl at heart so I want to make the superfood balls first, but that panzanella salad or the autumn cobb salad?! They look unreal too, I might just make a whole week of preparing hemp hearts recipes at home!

Which recipe peaked your interest the most? Are you a regular hemp hearts eater? I’d love to read about it in the comments section. Also, be sure to pin the photo below to save this recipe roundup for later and of course, share the love!

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13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (17)

Christal// NITK

13+ Healthy Hemp Seed Recipes (2024)


What is the healthiest way to eat hemp seeds? ›

Whole seeds act as a bulking agent, and they also add fiber to the diet, which can aid digestion. Try incorporating hemp seeds into the diet by: sprinkling whole or ground seeds on cereal or yogurt. adding the seeds to smoothies.

How do you give hemp seeds to kids? ›

Sprinkle a pinch of hulled hemp seeds or protein powder on soft foods like yogurt and roll “slippery” foods like avocado, mango, or pineapple in hulled hemp seeds, which will help with grip. Hemp seed oil can also be mixed into mashed potatoes and warm cereals and easily worked into pesto sauces.

Is it OK to eat hemp seeds everyday? ›

While hemp seeds are a healthy addition to your diet, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, they are high in calories and fat. Eating the seeds in moderation can be beneficial, but eating too many may lead to high caloric and fat intake. You should also avoid eating hemp seeds if you take certain medications.

What age can you give hemp seeds? ›

Babies can start eating hemp seeds from about 6 months of age, once they're ready to eat solids. Hemp seeds have a mild nutty flavor that doesn't overpower other flavors in foods. They can be ground into meal or protein powder or eaten raw.

Should you soak hemp seeds before eating? ›

Hemp seeds can be such an easy, nutritious addition to your diet, as they don't need to be soaked or ground, just simply sprinkled on top of or mixed into almost anything!

Are hemp seeds good for weight loss? ›

Hemp protein is usually relatively low in protein compared with other protein supplements, but it is high in fiber, which may also have benefits for overweight and obese people trying to lose weight.

Is hemp seed OK for kids? ›

Hemp hearts are completely safe for children and an excellent addition to their diet. Many mistakenly confuse hemp with cannabis/marijuana.

Who should not take hemp seeds? ›

Hemp seed oil has caused rare cases of sleepiness, blood shot eyes, and liver problems in children. Allergy to cannabis: People who are allergic to cannabis might also be allergic to hemp. Use hemp with caution if you are allergic to cannabis. Surgery: Hemp protein might lower blood pressure.

Should you crush hemp seeds? ›

Some people also separate the seed from the hull, and then grind up the hull into a fibre-rich powder that can then be used in food. In some parts of the world, whole hemp seeds are roasted and eaten as a popular snack, like popcorn, often sold from street-food stands in bags or cones.

Does hemp seeds help hair growth? ›

A 2021 case study[26] of CBD-rich hemp extract revealed 93.5% average increase in hair regrowth. Hemp extract works through the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the body and has novel effects on hair follicle elongation and hair matrix keratinocytes activated through ECS receptors in the hair follicle cells.

Does cooking hemp seeds destroy nutrients? ›

The answer to this is “No!” If you fry them, roast them, or cook them in the oven, the longer they are heated, the more nutrition they lose. To that end, the best practice for ensuring you receive optimum nutrition, is to simply add the de-shelled (hulled) hemp seeds just before serving.

What can I add hemp seeds to? ›

Instead, use it to make salad dressings, or drizzle over pasta, grilled veggies, or popcorn. Hemp seeds have long been prized as a high-quality source of plant-based protein and omega fatty acids. A single serving of hemp seeds, about two heaping tablespoons, provides 10 grams of protein and 10 grams of omegas.

Can I eat hemp seeds before bed? ›

Grab of a handful of Hemp seeds and get a peaceful sleep, as hemp seeds are loaded with magnesium known for soothing and relaxing sensation throughout the body. A single serving of Hemp seed contains 50% of the daily recommended dose of magnesium.

Are hemp seeds high in iron? ›

A 3-tablespoon serving of hulled hemp seeds contains 2.38 mg of iron and over 9 grams of protein. These seeds are one of the few plant-based sources of omega-3 fats, which are essential for heart and brain health. A 2018 study reported that hemp seed extract demonstrated antioxidant effects in laboratory tests.

Is it better to eat hemp seeds whole or ground? ›

Consuming hemp seeds whole, with the shell intact, ensures you're enjoying a crunchy texture. It also means you're getting the full amount of fiber, since it's mostly packed in the shell. Eat them raw, toast them for a nuttier flavor, or you can grind them up to add into dry mixes like flours or other baked goods.

How should I take hemp seeds? ›

Hemp seeds can be added to almost anything for an extra boost of nutrition. They have a soft, creamy texture and a mild nutty flavour. They can be sprinkled on salads or breakfast cereals, added to raw bars or balls, incorporated into smoothies or sprinkled on avocado on toast.

Should I crush hemp seeds? ›

Since hemp seeds are so small, you don't have to grind them into a powder for your baked goods. Using them whole will create a nutty and crunchy texture. It's up to you! Toss the powder into the batter when making baked goods.

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